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Whether you’re a potential patient, a family member, or donor, we invite you to band with us in experiencing and providing extraordinary services to extraordinary people in North Mississippi.

Regional Rehab Center (RRC) provides outpatient physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, dyslexia treatment, audiology services, and early childhood intervention to the communities of North Mississippi. As a privately funded non-profit, RRC does not charge clients or their insurance companies. There’s no sliding scale, no socio-economic requirement. It’s a unique model, and one that’s been working for our community for over 50 years.

Our therapists are passionate about providing the best care to all individuals. Supported by the community, for the community, RRC serves as a humanitarian springboard for providing intervention, ongoing therapy, and maintenance regimens for individuals with genetic or developmental conditions which affect motor, sensory, and communication abilities.

Our Mission

Quite simply to restore and enhance the quality of life of North Mississippians with disabling conditions through rehabilitation services characterized by quality care and personal attention.

Why do we do what we do? Because we believe that every individual has the right to pursue a life of physical ability and effective communication. We aim to facilitate that right by working with the community to meet the needs of the community itself: we provide therapeutic, restorative and reparative rehabilitation programs through the financial support of private donors and local heroes so that patients can focus on forward strides rather than financial strain.

What We Take On


It is estimated that more than 3 million Americans stutter. Stuttering affects individuals of all ages but occurs most frequently in young children between the ages of 2 and 6 who are developing language. Boys are 3 times more likely to stutter than girls.

Between 6 and 8 million people in the United States have some form of language impairment.


Anyone can acquire aphasia (a loss of the ability to use or understand language), but most people who have aphasia are in their middle to late years. Men and women are equally affected. It is estimated that approximately 80,000 individuals acquire aphasia each year.

40 %

Each year, 50% of Americans over the age of 18 develop a musculoskeletal injury that lasts longer than 3 months. That’s 108 million people.

5 -10

The average outpatient course of care is only between 7-10 visits, and reimbursement rates & visits approved for physical therapy services are largely stagnant or decreasing.

Our Accomplishments


Services provided annually to Over 2,000 patients.

The Regional Rehabilitation Center has also been the launching point for several agencies that are now freestanding: McDougal Center, Vocational Rehabilitation (now known as AbilityWorks), the Work Opportunity Resource Center, Vocational Rehabilitation Center for the Blind (now known as REACH) and Royal Maid Industries for the Blind (now known as LC Industries).

The Rehab Center has been instrumental in pilot projects, either in identification of need and partnering or releasing them to appropriate agencies. Three such projects have been the Hard of Hearing Classroom (which served Lee, Tippah, Benton, Union, Itawamba and Alcorn counties), the Physically Handicapped classrooms and the Dyslexia Program. In 1999 the Center, through grant funds from the Mississippi Department of Health, was named an Early Intervention site in Northeast Mississippi providing services to the 0-3 years of age population. And last, but not least, after almost fifty years, the Rehab Center has completed the much-needed $2,288,000 renovation.

Mississippi Kids at risk of developmental delays
amount RRC charges for services
$ 1000
Counties serviced in 2018
Services provided in 2018